Kalau anda perhatikan logo google selalu brganti" bila ada event
nah saya kali ni akan memberi gambar" logo google yg menurut saya terbaik ok...
selamat melihat/..heheeheh
Sesame Street: Ensemble - (Selected Countries)
Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday - (Selected Countries)
Asterix Comic's 50th Anniversary ©2009 Goscinny - Uderzo - (Selected Countries)
Hangul Proclamation Day - (Korea)
Comic-Con® 2009 - Design and pencil Jim Lee, ink by Scott Williams, and color by Alex Sinclair, © DC Comics - (US)
Doodle 4 Google Winner Germany - (Germany)
Doraemon - (Japan)
OI OI menurut saya nih lho yang paling bagus PAsti kalian dah tau dan dah pernah liat kan,
Indonesia's Independence Day - (Indonesia)
Nah sedemikian dulu ya berita ni semoga kalian terpana melihatnya huahahahhaha....
keep your computer science